Tuesday, September 21, 2010

"Autumn, the year's last, loveliest smile"

I know I might talk a lot about how much I love Summer and the hot weather it brings (or doesn't bring, in this year's case), but I love Fall.

Today it was cold and overcast and it looked a bit stormy, even. I can't remember the last time it rained. I can't remember the last time I wore a coat but still thought it was cold. I can't remember the last time I wished so badly for cooler weather so I can bust out scarves and cardigans and cute hats! Fall! Where have you been? I have missed you and I didn't even know it!

I love Fall. I'm so excited for it. It's going to be great because not only are fall fashions awesome, but the Holidays are awesome. Halloween is a big favorite, followed closely by Thanksgiving (Christmas comes in as a very very close third, but I'm a foodie. The food holiday wins.) There's just something sort of magical about the way the leaves turn and slowly fall away. The crispness of the cold breezes are chilling, but exciting. For some reason, the air always smells so good.

It's going to be a good season, I can feel it. All the downturns that have taken place recently are going to right themselves and I'm going to barrel through the next set of obstacles life has to put in my path. I'm going to hear more live music (just went to a Danger Friends USA show tonight) and I'm going to spend more time with people I enjoy. I'm going to plan more to start my own business.

Can you feel the excitement? Are you ready?

Let's go.

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